Game Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of each player and attach great importance to the confidentiality of all data and information

Information we collect and visit

We visit your mobile ID and pass the Hash value to the server as your player ID authentication. If your game account is bound with an email/mobile phone number, or you purchase a game suits, the email address and mobile phone number will also be sent to our server in the form of Hash values, save email tips like 'e*' on server. Even if the server data is stolen, your information will not be disclosed. In addition, we will record your phone model/CPU type/game frame rate, and send it to our server in clear text, so that we can optimize phones with different performance, and which unimportant content can be turned off by default. If you find that our game has collected information beyond the above description, please let us know so that we can check the plug-in; Our game uses the plug-ins provided by UE4 by default and a JS script plug-in named Puerts, LibDataChannel (WebRTC)

We do not disclose any information

In the game, we do not collect any information other than the above information. Neither share the above information with any institution.

Use Cookies

If there are advertisements on the game service website, the website will use cookies to enhance the user experience. Cookies are brief documents that will be saved on the user's computer disk to track, save and store the interactive information between the user and the website. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer disk, you need to take necessary steps to prevent cookies from this website and the server provider.

Children's Online Privacy Protection Terms

We comply with the requirements of COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act), and we do not collect any information about children under the age of 13.

Change and revision

If we decide to change the privacy policy, we will update the modification date of the privacy policy terms below.

Delete Account

Start the game, Setup -> Help[?] -> [Delete Account].

Article version: V2022.11.2

Revision date: November 2, 2022
